
  1. 1. 原子与运动
  2. 2. 基础物理介绍
  3. 3. Energy
  4. 4. Time and Distance
    1. 4.1. Time
    2. 4.2. Distance
  5. 5. Probability
  6. 6. Gravitation


  1. 原子论:物质是由原子构成的——历史上最重要的假设。
  2. 空气/热/压力:密度大小<->原子撞击/原子速度
  3. 水蒸气的挥发
  4. 晶体溶解


At first the phenomena of nature were roughly divided into classes ... find the laws behind experiment; to amalgamate these classes
  • < 1920s: 3-dimensional + Euclid + Time.
  1. Inertia. force -> atomic + gravitation. motion.
  2. Electricity -> nucleus + electrons, nucleus -> protons + neutrons
  3. force -> Electricity field
  4. electromagnetic field/wave
  • 1920s: quantum physics

  1. space-time
  2. quantum mechanics
  3. wave <-> particle
  4. quantum electrodynamics -> electromagnetic field with photon (except for nucleus) -> properties of gamma rays, positron / antiparticle
  5. require two numbers -> mass / charge
    it is fundamentally impossible to make a precise prediction of exactly what will happen. We can find only an average, statistically, as to what happens
  • Necleis
  1. Discovered new particles $\mu$-meson. $\pi$-meson (muon, pion): cannot explain forces between protons and neutrons.
  2. 30 particles from cosmic rays.
  3. baryon-meson-lepton / the photon and the graviton. baryon – neucleus, meson – neuclear interaction
    in the order of decreasing strength, are the nuclear force, electrical interactions, the beta-decay interaction, and gravity.


  • Energy: sum of several forms
  • gravitation/kinetic/heat/elastic/electrical/chemical/radiant/nuclear/mass

Time and Distance


  • Galileo, measure time with pulse, distance proportional to square of time
  • small pieces of time, pendulum (Galileo) -> electornic occilators -> caibrate with electron-beam oscilloscope -> modern $10^{−12}$ sec. (light amplifier) -> $10^{-16}$ sec. ($\pi$-meson lifetime)
    time, periordic measurement
  • open question to infinitesimal time
  • long time: use of radioactive material
    > the radioactivity of a particular sample of material decreases by the same fraction for successive equal increases in its age
  • open question to time before the universe
  • standard time: earch day -> atomic clock


  • Long measurement: triangulation, baseline, brightness
  • Short measurement: electron microscope (small-scale triangulation) -> $10^{-10}$m. Neclear dimension by effective cross section -> $10^{-15}$m.
  • Errors in measurement: time-energy, distance-momentum


  • Probability – $N_A/N$, where $N_A$ is the number of (estimated) observations of A with N (imagined) experiments. based on our knowledge and ability to make estimation.
  • Binomial probability – $C^k_n p^k q^{n-k}$. binary event, n times, p/q probability for a single experiment.
  • Random walk – $E(D_n^2)=n$. Usually represennts the error of an estimation.
  • Probability density/distribution – $P(x,\Delta x)=p(x)\Delta x$ -> p(x)
  • Why probability – Large system (gas), quantum mechanics (electron probability cloud)


  • Gravitation. $\frac{Gmm’}{r^2}$
  • Observation -> Kepler 1st (Ellipse + Focus) -> Kepler 2nd (equal area rate) -> Kepler 3rd ($T \propto L^{3/2}$)
  • Force -> Motion change. (Galileo->Newton)
  • Kepler 2nd -> Force towards the sun.
  • Kepler 3rd -> Force inversely proportional to the square of the distance
  • Universal gravitation -> Sun-earth/falling object with the same theory. Tide
  • Cavendish’s experiment -> gravitational constant
  • mathematics -> mechanism