Retopologize the 3D data into a quad-like surface mesh is critical for 3D asset generation. Personally, I like the recent paper Reliable Feature-Line Driven Quad-Remeshing and aim to explain it.
Given a triangle mesh $\mathcal{M}$, it aims to partition the mesh into surface patches satisfying several metrics, including
- Topology, homeomorphic to a disk
- Valance, 3-6
- Convex, No left/U-turn
- Valance Match
- Length concerns
In practice, we compute tangent field, generate paths to segment patches, and quadrangulate patches into the quad mesh.
Tangent field
We compute 4-rosy field for mesh faces, determine singularities for mesh vertices using existing methods, e.g., instant-meshes.
Patch Segmentation
Path tracing.
Build a motor-cycle graph (vertices-direction connection), and dijkstra algorithm to compute loop for any sampled vertex-direction pair.
Global round.
We sample a set of loops, sort them according to distance (priority for further paths). Preserve the loop if
- Resolve/improve any criterion
- Split any problematic patch
and then recursively address each problematic sub-patch.
The rounds consist of three steps:
- point-to-point convexity-connection sampling
- internal loop sampling
- border-border
Finally, we dissolve paths that does not do harm to our criteron.